Blowfly Grass
Briza maxima
Other Names: Quaking Grass
Introduced From: Mediterranean region
Family: Poaceae (Grass family)
Habitat: Lawns, roadsides, wastland, pasture and cultivated land
Uses: Seeds edible, Leaves semi-edible
References: Low (Weeds), Richardson and Shepherd
About Blowfly Grass
Slender annual grass, grows to 60cm high.
The grass family, Poaceae, contains about 650 genera (with 250 in Australia) and 9500 species worldwide. Most grass seeds (any species of grass that has seeds that are not black or too dark in colour) are edible, and can be made into flour by hulling and grinding. Grass seeds of some species are dark in colour and contain a poisonous fungus that can be fatally poisonous if large quantities are consumed.
Grass leaves are also edible, though contain large quantities of cellulose (fibre) which is not digestible. It won't hurt you, though. If you were hungry enough, a lot of nutrition can be obtained from grass by chewing up the blades, sucking out the juices and then spitting out the pulp.
Wentworth Falls, Blue Mountains NSW.
See Also
Australian Mammals
Australian Birds
Australian Reptiles
Australian Frogs
Australian Fish
Australian Spiders and Their Faces
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