
Tilodon sexfasciatus
Size: 35-40 cm
Family: Kyphosidae, the sea chub family.
Distribution: The southern coasts of Australia, from the southern parts of WA to the western half of Victoria. Mainly a coastal species.
Habitat: Usually lives deep in Victoria but in South Australia can be found below jetties. Juveniles are often found just below the tidal zone.
Uses: Can be found in the aquarium industry.
References: Kuiter.
About the Moonlighter
The Moonlighter is closely related to the Mado and the Stripey. Though it can be sometimes confused with butterflyfishes.
Habits: The Moonlighter is solitary and secretive on reefs.
Photo taken at Sydney Aquarium, Sydney, NSW, Australia. Higher Resolution 2178 x 1356.
See Also
Australian Mammals
Australian Birds
Australian Reptiles
Australian Frogs
Australian Spiders and Their Faces
Australian Wild Plant Foods
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