Love Creeper

Love Creeper -

Glycine tabacina

Other Names: Native Soybean, Twining Glycine, Lover's Twine

Family: Fabaceae

Habitat: Sheltered forests and rainforest gullies

Uses: Tubers (tap-roots) edible and were reported to be eaten by Aboriginies.

References: Robinson

About Love Creeper

A slender trailer (not climbing), found in moist situations on better soils, usualyl among dense undergrowth, especially grasses. Pea flowers, 6-10mm long, in October-December, variable in colour, mostly mauve.

Love Creeper - Glycine tabacina -
Photo: Mitchell Park, Cattai NSW.

See Also

Australian Mammals
Australian Birds
Australian Reptiles
Australian Frogs
Australian Fish
Australian Spiders and Their Faces

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