Sheep Sorrel

Sheep Sorrel -

Rumex acetosella

Other Names: Sorrel, red sorrel, sour dock, Acetosella angiocarpa, Acetosella vulgaris, Rumex angiocarpa

Introduced From: Europe and Western Asia

Habitat: Roadsides, paddocks and waste lands, favouring open sunny locations on infertile soils, especially granites and sandstones.

Uses: The leaves can be used raw like a salad or cooked.

References: Low (Weeds), Richardson and Shepherd

About Sheep Sorrel

Rumex acetosella, Sheep Sorrel has distinctive leaves that make it easy to identify. There is meant to e a reasonable amount of oxalic acid in this plant, so some people say that it is best not to eat too much of it (though other people say that there is oxalic acid in many of our store-bought foods that no-one complains about, so I will have to look into this more).

Sheep Sorrel - Rumex acetosella -
Photo: Rumex acetosella, Sheep Sorrel. Wentworth Falls, Blue Mountains NSW.

Sheep Sorrel - Rumex acetosella -
Photo: Rumex acetosella, Sheep Sorrel. Wentworth Falls, Blue Mountains NSW.

Sheep Sorrel - Rumex acetosella -
Photo: Rumex acetosella, Sheep Sorrel. Wentworth Falls, Blue Mountains NSW.

Sheep Sorrel - Rumex acetosella -
Photo: Rumex acetosella, Sheep Sorrel. Wentworth Falls, Blue Mountains NSW.

See Also

Australian Mammals
Australian Birds
Australian Reptiles
Australian Frogs
Australian Fish
Australian Spiders and Their Faces

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